Change wordings


This section requires some knowledge about Eclipse RCP development and Eclipse Extension Points.

You must also have read Support new editors.


By default, information is displayed on Discord using the following format:

It is very simple but maybe that it does not fulfil your needs. Read below to learn how to change it.


I plan to add preferences allowing one to customize these default wordings easily from the Eclipse IDE (see issue #71) but it will take some time so in the meantime you’ll have to get your hands a little dirty.

In order to provide your own wording you have to create two EditorInputToRichPresenceAdapter as explained in Support new editors.

These adapters must:

  • expect editor input which are respectively instances of IFileEditorInput and FileStoreEditorInput,
  • have a priority greater than 0 in order to be favoured over built-in ones.

You can now implement the createRichPresence method as you wish to create a Rich Presence that follows your own wording.


I advise you to create those adapters by copying the code of: